Event Code of Conduct

Talent Table presents opportunities to learn, share knowledge and network. We do this by creating great real life experiences for our community to engage and network. And we always add an element of fun. We believe these events should represent a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for all people, irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, religion, disability, socio-economic background, experience, size, shape and so on. 

Talent Table events are not for behaviour that is off-topic, abusive, illegal, intimidatory or conducive to the spread of misinformation. We ensure that our venues and platforms meet these standards.

Why do we need a Code of Conduct?

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to get participants fully aligned on what constitutes unacceptable behaviour, how it can be reported, and what will be done about it.

Who is subject to our Code of Conduct?

Our Code of Conduct applies to event attendees, speakers, sponsors, partners, and venue staff, and any other individuals or businesses associated with our events

How we Define Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviour

People’s interpretation of acceptable or unacceptable behaviour is subjective and can be influenced by several factors including personal experience, religion and cultural background. That’s why we believe it’s important to define what we mean by both.

Acceptable Behaviour 

As an event organiser, we expect everyone to be professional and respectful to others at all times. Everyone should be aware of the impact their behaviour can have on others. We ask that you: 

  • Be courteous and well-mannered when speaking to someone or engaging with them. 
  • Respect someone’s personal space and body – when someone says no it is no, not maybe. 
  • Respect the venue, the staff and any equipment you may be allowed to use. 
  • Follow the instructions of the event facilitator, including on limiting discussions that are off-topic or of an inappropriate nature
  • Respect the identity, names and pronouns of everyone at the event. If you’re unsure of the correct pronunciation of names, correct pronouns or appropriate language to use, ask politely
  • Honour timed discussion and question limits and share the space and encourage others to share their views and experiences
  • Do not engage in demeaning, argumentative or antagonising behaviour such as making inappropriate comments or physically threatening a person.
  • Avoid assumptions or stereotyping such as misgendering or using a name that you have asked you not to use. 
  • Respect the diversity of languages, cultures, opinions, expertise
  • Understand that attendees are welcome to leave the session at any time without explanation.

Unacceptable Behaviour 

Unacceptable behaviour is offensive in nature – it may disturb or upset the individual or make them feel threatened. 

It can include: 

  • Derogatory, inflammatory or discriminatory language, comments or conduct. 
  • Engineered episodes of intimidation, aggressive actions or repeated gestures. 
  • Repetitive heckling and disruption of talks. 
  • Inappropriate photography or recordings (where inappropriate is defined as used later in a sexual, derogatory or defamatory manner or for exploitation). 
  • Stalking or following. 
  • Shouting, swearing, harassment, threatening or humiliating behaviour
  • Encouraging any of the above behaviours. 
  • Sexual advances when they are clearly unwelcome, or in a context where it is difficult for the recipient to say no to your advances. 
  • Invitations to meet one-on-one in a private space such as a hotel room, home, apartment, home office, or an office when no one else is likely to be present
  • Making sexual comments, in person or by sending text messages, emails, voice messages, letters, or other form of communication
  • Any sexual activity or touch without the express consent of all participants
  • Unwanted physical touch, restraint, assault, or threats. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Deliberate touch that is inappropriate for a business relationship (e.g. intentionally brushing up against someone, touching someone to get their attention unnecessarily, caressing someone's face)

PLEASE NOTE: Excessive drinking does not excuse poor behaviour, so be mindful of your consumption. We will ensure we are providing good non-alcoholic alternatives.

How to Report Unacceptable Behaviour

Option 1. 

Speak up. See it, say it, sort it. If you are disrespected, or witness this happening to someone else, engage politely with the person involved, if you feel able to, and let them know that you find their behaviour unacceptable and offensive. Sometimes the best way to change unacceptable behaviour is by bringing it to the perpetrator’s attention and giving them an opportunity to acknowledge this and apologise. 

Option 2. 

Report it to us via any of the following ways: 

When reporting, please provide as much detail as possible. This could include: 

  • Your name and contact details (email, mobile phone)
  • The time it occurred. 
  • The place where it occurred. 
  • Details like what happened, who was involved, what was said, how it made you feel...."
  • The names and contact details of any witnesses. 
  • The outcome you are expecting (e.g. letter of apology, steps taken to prevent a similar instance from occurring etc..) 

How we Handle Unacceptable Behaviour 

We are committed to ensuring that you and other attendees experience a positive, enjoyable and inclusive event. We strive to create a safe environment when reporting unacceptable behaviour. That’s why, for the duration of our event, we will have a number of reporting mechanisms available (e.g. suitable informed event staff, event feedback forms etc.). 

When you report unacceptable behaviour to us we will respond promptly and with care, consideration and respect. Our process does not replace nor remove the formal mechanisms available to you as an individual to report inappropriate or offensive behaviour; such as making a police report. 

All reports will be treated as confidential and information will only be shared with those participating in the investigation on a need basis.

Our process is as follows: 

  1. Once you submit a report, we will acknowledge it and reply via email within 48 hours. 
  2. We will perform a thorough investigation and provide you with updates along the way. We will keep it wholly professional and confidential. We will treat all the people involved fairly and objectively, irrespective of what our relationship with them is. 
  3. Based on the outcome of the investigation, we will take appropriate action e.g. issue warnings, or enforce temporary or permanent suspensions. We will take into consideration your wishes in any enforcement of the Code of Conduct. 
  4. We will not name and shame individuals, but we will analyse our progress with regards to unacceptable behaviour.

To ensure the safety and inclusivity of everyone at a Talent Table event, all speakers, participants and staff are required to uphold this code of conduct. 

We reserve the right to remove individuals from the event who do not adhere to our code of conduct.

As we learn more about how we can keep our events safe and inclusive for everyone, we will amend this code of conduct and reporting process.

Code of Conduct Updates

This may change from time to time and is available on our website.

Code of Conduct Complaints and Enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us at:


264 Barkly Street, Fitzroy North



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